Today began like any other day, I dreaded getting out the bed (I'm not into early morning routines), but I had to go to work! No, I don't clock in at a normal nine to five, but more like an extended shift, day end and day out, being a mom. After dropping my son off at basketball workouts, I was determined to make it to water aerobics ON TIME! In the middle of water aerobics, the pool was bombarded with some life guard trainees and a loud, I mean, very loud instructor! Well, let me just tell you, my once pleasant workout began taking an alternate route as I carefully began studying the actions of the drill sergeant, I mean, instructor. He highlighted every mishap of the trainees and they moved at every command like soldiers marching in battle. It didn't take me long to realize that he was well respected. Just then, he made a profound statement: "If you do not finish this task, it will never be because you do not have the ability, it will simply be becaus...
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