In light of the picture that’s floating around social media of the lack of race representation of the White House interns, I feel the need to address my concerns. As I was driving to a meeting today, I saw a group of middle-aged White men dressed in business casual attire and standing partially in the road as they worked on a project by a well-known phone company, that shall remain unknown. Nothing was unusual about this encounter; yet, I was bothered because NOTHING was unusual. Issues with diversity in the workplace and academic platforms, have been a topic of conversation for many years. I admit, it speaks to a larger problem that’s not entirely a race problem. No friends, I am not saying that our society does not have a problem with race... I'm simply saying that this particular issue is not just about race. As I passed by the men this morning, one thing came to my mind..SUCCESS SEES NO COLOR. The lack of diversity, on one hand could be ac...
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