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Showing posts from May, 2016

Old Wounds Heal

There was this annoying bump that I had on my skin that took the longest to heal. Just when I thought it was healed, I would wake up with more inflammation. Finally, after a couple of  weeks, it began to scab over. Me, because it was slightly distracting to me, pealed the scab off only to discover, I interrupted the healing process. It is then that I realized what happens when hurts don't heal properly. The hurt, if unaddressed, will develop a scab, but the wound never heals completely. At any moment something can trigger that wound to reopen and expose what's underneath.  I began to notice some of my own wounds that, over the years, had developed a scab, but were still raw underneath. I noticed that in my attempt to soothe my emotional wounds over with surface level smiles, hellos, and fake giggles; the hurt and resentment were brewing underneath and where, like that bump that kept getting inflamed, began inflaming my interactions with the ones that had hurt me in o

When Life Happens

I was going about my daily routine, optimistic about what the day was going to be like. I had my list of To-do's, like most life jugglers such as myself. I'd just finished a good workout, breakfast, and morning devotion. I'd dotted every "I" and crossed every "T" like I was supposed to until....Out of nowhere, things began to fall apart! Phone call after phone call about misbehaving little ones and the famous quote I'm sure any mom just loves to hear (I'm being sarcastic of course), "Oh Mom, I forgot". On top of that I had research to work on, a husband that had been gone away at work for weeks, and approaching deadlines, bills, and above all other emergencies, dinner had to be cooked because going out for dinner was not an option! Does this sound familiar to anyone other than me? Simply put and as I often say, life happens, even while life is happening. Duty calls, kids have tough days, and husbands and loved ones are not always