Does this sound familiar to anyone other than me? Simply put and as I often say, life happens, even while life is happening. Duty calls, kids have tough days, and husbands and loved ones are not always a phone call away. In those moments I've had to learn some very valuable lessons: 1. Breathe, 2. Pray, 3. Remember God's there to keep me sane in whatever way that means for the moment. As I was reading my devotion today, I was reminded of how God is present to help us in our time of need. He's promised to never leave nor forsake us. When my days are going haywire and my support system is unavailable I find solace in knowing that God has already provided comfort and strength and He will not let me fall. Today, I challenge you to identify those areas in your life that you've not fully given to God and boldly surrender to an all-knowing, all-caring, loving God who not only sees your struggles, but has promised to help.
-His Song Bird
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