*Disclaimer* Warning, this post may be offensive to some and honestly, I'm okay with that. My goal is and never will be to help others by telling them what they want to hear, but what will help them become the best that they can be. As I was driving in my truck, listening to a message referencing why Christians are not going after nations by Kris Valleton, which was an awesome message by the way, he stated something that rocked my world concerning false humility and self-esteem that left me Wow'd and led me to the realization that humility, used in the wrong context, can actually be tied to issues with self-esteem. I know, you may not have had the same reaction that I had, but that's ok. By the end of this post, I believe that you will have your own WOW moment that will lead to change, like it did for me. What was it about that simple sentence that grabbed my attention? I'm glad you asked! About two weeks prior to ...
A blog that will inspire you to fulfill your life-given purpose and highlight strategies to begin a lifelong journey to internal happiness.