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Showing posts from August, 2017

Borrowing Time

I was trying out a new recipe that needed the spice, tyme. I looked everywhere in my spice cabinet and couldn't find it. Suddenly, all the spices came tumbling and there, sitting right in my face was tyme all along. It then hit me! What hit you girl, the 50 bottles of seasonings that came tumbling down? Well, yes, but that's not the point I'm making so stay focused! It hit me! While I was searching, Tyme was right in my face all along!! You get it? Maybe not so let me explain.  Often, we spend most of our waking moments searching for something in hopes of finding our true life's purpose. Not realizing, time is indeed, staring you right in the face! I could've avoided the intense search for that little spice by simply slowing down and taking my time. Part of my downfall in my search for tyme was that instead of searching on the lower level of my rack, I immediately went to the top tier, which resulted in the collapse of all 3 levels. What am I trying to s

Forgiveness Is Hard

This post will be short and sweet. There are some things that have to be said, discussed, thought about, talked over, etc.. I think you get the point. Then there are others--You say them and let the chips fall where they may. This post is the latter. My air died at our home yesterday. We couldn't call the landlord, because we ARE the landlords. As the temperature rose today, reaching well over into the 90s here in the south, so did the inside temp in our home. Boy, I'd not realized how important an AC can be in the Deep South in the summertime..but it got me to thinkingšŸ¤”... A lot of times we go through life not admiring or appreciating the people in our lives like we should. God forbid.. what would happen if one day, like my AC, they're no longer available? Will you be miserable (like I was today) or will you live your life regretting that you never apologized, made amends, reached out, loved on, or celebrated them as you should have? I'm happy to report that ou