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Bottomless Pit

As I was combing through, or more like diving through, my bottomless pit of shoes this morning, I could feel the onset of frustration about my inability to find a mate to each shoe I picked up!! In the midst of my frustration I whispered, "I Can't", as a sign that my search for the right shoe was not only nearing it's end, but that my time and efforts spent searching for mates were wasted and in vain. It was then I received a revelation.  Like the box of shoes is our journey through life, sometimes feeling as though our search for happiness, fulfillment, love, careers, opportunities, and mates is a bottomless pit.  It can seem as if the search will not lead to positive results and in the moment, out of frustration and dismay, you feel defeated and whisper, like I did, "I Can't". Well, back to my story, because I'm certain that you're interested in knowing whether or not I was able to eventually find a mate to a shoe and carry on with m
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Success Knows No Color

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how I began healing from past traumas

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Borrowing Time

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Forgiveness Is Hard

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Mask Off!

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The Strength of A Woman

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Dear Black Men..

Black Men, I know it may not seem like you matter to this Godless society and the reality is, you don't. I have stood by, like most people, not really knowing how to respond to such tragedies. I have mourned, like these young men and women, were my husband, sons, father,  niece , or nephew. I have prayed and interceded and have tirelessly lectured my children, all BLACK boys, you see.  I write this because I, unlike some, have to admit that I do not know what it's like to be you in this society. I don't know what it's like to have your black women being preferred over you because you look too "thuggish", "ghetto", or "black". I don't know what it's like to be emasculated in front of your children,  wives, and families, even in your brutal deaths. I don't know what it's like to have to face a cold world each day not knowing whether or not you will return the same way you left.  I get it! I GET IT! I